A while back, I began to have trouble with my laptop computer, which I use for ministry work. It kept acting up and quit working properly. It started shutting down by itself. There were many times the screen went black and I could not shut the computer off or turn it on. I sensed that the computer had a virus. A friend said I had recently sent him an email, that contained a probable virus. I never sent that email, so I don’t know how he got it. Hacked? Out of frustration, I decided to download some software to clean up my computer and perhaps get rid of my virus. I started the application and it started erasing some items on my computer. I went to bed, got up the next morning only to find that this software was erasing every item on my computer. It was even erasing my backup. I discovered that I had lost three years worth of work. All of my documents, photos, videos, notes and favorites were all gone. I had lost everything. Ouch! The software had erased everything. I was sick at my stomach! I called “Apple Support” and got a tech on the phone to help me. The computer wouldn’t let us go to an earlier date and restore it. It didn’t let us go to safe mode or recover. It wouldn’t come back on, after we turned it off. It wouldn’t do anything.
After an hour, of being on the phone with the tech guy, I was placed on “hold”, for the fifth time, while the “Geniuses” consulted with each other. They couldn’t fix it. I decided to close my laptop (it wouldn’t come back on and everything was erased on it). I placed both hands on it and I began to pray, asking God to fix it and restore it, as only He could. I then lifted the cover and to my surprise, the monitor lit up and was on the log-in page. I then entered my password and pushed “return.” I was stunned at what I saw! I couldn’t believe it. Within seconds, all of my items were back on the desktop!!! All of my documents, notes, photos, videos, etc. were back. Not one thing was missing. When the Apple tech came back on the phone, I told him how I had prayed and what had happened. He couldn’t believe it! He was literally shocked!
My friends, space won’t allow me to tell you, of all the miracles that God has done for me. I have experienced so many instant, miraculous answers to my prayers, in places, all over the world. It was a miracle! God had instantly answered my humble prayer, asking for his Divine intervention! I don’t know what might be troubling you today, but I know who can help you!
Take your needs and troubles to Almighty God. Cry out to Him, in faith, and watch what He does. You see, it is simple! GOD LISTENS and GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!!!
I pray that my experience, encourages you. He loves you so much and He is still in the miracle business! Have a blessed day my friends! I think I’ll go get another cup of coffee now.
I love you all.
Ken a servant of Jesus
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