About the Ministry
Biblical Teachings
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus
Through our ministry we teach the Bible, spread the Gospel, share the Word of the Lord and feed the hungry.

Prophetic Messages
For the latest prophetic word about the Bible, America, Israel & more, please go to the Video Messages page. May you be blessed, encouraged and inspired!

Sharing the Gospel
The Lord cares about the people of every nation. Jesus, said the Gospel would be preached to the ends of the earth. Through our ministry, we desire to fulfill the great commission by sharing the good news, of Christ, to all the citizens, in all the nations of the world. Our desire is to see the prodigal sons and daughters, coming back to the Father, and receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Your partnership, in praying for our ministry and financially supporting our work, will enable us to reach the nations for Christ. Explore the website and read our articles and watch the videos. You will enjoy our photo page and see some of the places the Lord has us go and minister!

America’s Future
The United States of America was founded on Biblical principles. Today, God has been taken out of the public schools, public places and the market place in America. As a result, America is in a moral freefall. Even the U.S. Supreme Court has begun to rule in ways that go against long-held, religious and moral values, held by most Americans. Americans must repent of their sins and turn back to God. If we don’t, God will bring judgement on our country and America will cease to exist, as a biblical and moral light to the nations. Visit our video messages page, for the visions the Lord has given Ken, for America, and Christ-followers around the world. May the Lord bless you!

Importance of Israel
Israel is the nation that God chose when he sent His Son, Jesus, to the earth. Jesus came to die, a substitutionary death, for the sins of all the people who have ever lived. Those that repent of their sins and trust in Christ, as their Savior, may have eternal life. God says, in Genesis 12:3: that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed. Through our ministry, we seek to bless the people of Israel by providing food, clothing and financial assistance, to Holocaust survivors, new immigrants to Israel and to the hungry. We do this by partnering with Messianic Jewish congregations in Israel. Visit our Israel page, for the messages that the Lord has given Ken for Israel and the Middle-East.
The Lord is coming soon
Get right with God
Friend, today God cries out to you and says, “Where are you?” “I am here and I love you! Though you have lived your life without me, I want you to get into a relationship with me.”
“Soon, I am coming to take my followers, those who believe in me, home to heaven. Don’t be left behind and have to enter the seven-year tribulation that is coming. Instead, Get Right with Me, Your God, before it is too late!” I LOVE YOU! – GOD.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16.
God Forgives
When you ask Him, God will forgive all your sins.
Ask and Receive
Speak to God, He hears all of your prayers,
Where will you spend eternity?
Choose Jesus
Instead of creating us to be like robots, God did the most dangerous thing that He could do. He gave us FREE CHOICE! You see, God let’s each one of us decide whether we choose to be with Him for eternity or be apart from Him.
You must decide – choose Jesus and do life His way or choose to reject Jesus, do life your way and suffer the consequences, of an eternity being away from Him. Oh Friend, choose Jesus today!!!
The Bible says in Roman 10:13, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Call out to Jesus, to forgive you of your sins and be saved today!!! Choose Jesus!!!
The best choice
Choosing Jesus will be the best decision of your life.
Unconditional love
The Lord loves you with an unconditional love.
Blog Posts
Below you will find the latest blogs and articles of Ken Bailey
We’re Still Here!
I know that so many of you were hoping to be Raptured during the Feast of Trumpets. You are ready to go home and leave this wicked, evil world! God understands[…]
Read moreButterflies and Bats
God is so incredible! Just look at His creation in all of its splendor! I am so blessed to live in Colorado. I get to see eagles in the sky on a[…]
Read moreAn End time. Challenge to Pastors and Church Members
Brothers and Sisters, we are living in the last days; the End Times. The return of Jesus, for His church, is very soon! Pastors and Church leadership, must rise up now[…]
Read moreContact us
For prayer, speaking engagements or any other questions, please fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.